Expires at 2024-10-30 07:02:27 UTC


Send and share large files easily

FilePost is a secure platform to send and share your photos, your videos, your favorite music, as well as your personal and professional documents. Take your files with you everywhere you go and share them easily and securely with your friends, co-workers, and family so all of you have access to the same information.

Upload large files for free

Upload files for free. No registration required!

FilePost makes file uploading and sharing extremely easy. Our servers use the latest security techniques to keep your data safe and protected at all times. All you need to do is create a link to share files for free

Upload any kind of file

There are no restrictions on the type of file you can upload. We only impose a generous 5GB file size limit for free patrons.

Need to share larger files?
Sign up for our paid plan and upload and share files as large as 100GB

Upload any type of file
Files are scanned for viruses

Stress free downloads

To ensure safety, we scan all uploaded files for viruses. We keep our virus definitions current and update them hourly.

Be assured that any file you download from us is virus-free 💪.

Fast speeds

Pro and Business users get the fastest download speeds we can offer.

We are constantly making improvements to our global network that serves your files.

We route requests to the server that is fastest for you. For 99.99% of our users, we can send files faster than their connections can handle and we have stats that back this!

Fast download speeds
Analytics for business users

Analyze This!

Business users get fantastic analytics for emails and downloads.

Know who downloaded your files, where from and when.

Simple Pricing

Download Speed
Max file size
Files expire in
Encrypted Traffic
Unlimited Bandwidth
Resumable transfers
Share Multiple Files
Password Protected Files
Email transfers
Delivery Tracking
No Ads
Receive files
$ 0 /month
15 days
$ 5 /month
Up to 15 days
Up to 10 recipients
$ 10 /month
Up to 20 days
Up to 20 recipients
$ 20 /month
Up to 30 days
Up to 50 recipients